Magnolia (Waco), TX
This place has some of the most well-decorated Airbnbs I’ve ever seen. And you’ve gotta stop at Czech Stop on the way.
A Birthday in Cape Town!
He taught us how they smuggled political papers and other documents back and forth from the prison to their contacts on the main land to keep the movement alive. Today he is 63 years old and is one of the many tour guides for the prison-turned-museum.
Emporium Pies, Why People Live in Dallas
My gift for Mother’s Day, and she ate the whole pie in two days.
Brussels, Chocolate Everywhere
I opted for the jar of hot chocolate and was so upset (still upset) later that day I didn’t take her up on buying the pack of dark chocolates they plop in to add that extra...umph.
The Sistine Chapel
Straight ahead is The Last Judgment, a completely separate bright-blue-background painting on the alter wall, which he painted while in his 60s. I don’t think we were in there long enough, just too many details.